Mobile platforms have cleared the path towards a revolution in the business world by complementing and overcoming with innovation the traditional proceedings used by companies to solve their daily problems. Whenever we think that mobile tools can’t solve anything new, their reach gets expanded beyond our imagination, and they offer us brand new results to sort out old problems we had forgot about.
For example, it’s the case of incident report forms, essential documents for companies in different fields (mining sector, construction, or factories) through which they can inform of any inconvenience or problem that could arise in an appropriate, efficient and timely manner. Until recent years, paper forms were the only option amongst organizations to inform about incidents and follow them up; however the explosive increase in the availability of mobile devices is also generating tools and services for this area, with much appraised results in the industry. That is how the incident report forms 2.0 -for mobile devices- appear.
Nowadays through a mobile app employees can send incident report forms from their location to inform if a product broke, if a shipment didn’t arrive, or if an order will be dispatched late, and the person in charge receives a notification in seconds. Incident report forms can resolve the huge problems that delays cause when the information needs to be sent immediately.
In cases like these, it’s always best to write the report just after it happens to include as many details as possible and to make the report as realistic as possible. That is why the basic facts must written as soon as the incident happens. Therefore, for any company it’s an unbeatable advantage if their employees can access, complete and send the incident report forms for its review instantly, only by taking out their cellphones from their pockets.
Besides, mobile incident reports forms allow editing and correcting reports to make sure they are coherent and easy to understand. Thanks to them, the user can also be sure that no information is left out, including to the incident report forms the signature, a picture, or the GPS location.
Other advantage is that this sort of mobile form can be created easily and in a very short time, and on the other side it can transform any physical form to a digital form, becoming 100% adaptable to the clients’ needs according to their field.
Document digitalization and the replacement of physical documents by mobile forms is highly advantageous because no time and energy are wasted in search of a specific document, since the mobile forms are available for consult 24 hours.
Additional problems, such as loss of a form, or the definition of the responsibility for its review, can be solved thanks to this kind of mobile tools. Mobile incident report forms can be customized to be sent only to the person responsible for its review.
Mobile versions of incident report forms prove that the innovation finds new spaces to grow amidst proceedings that companies considered common. The revolution that the new generation of mobile tools is causing will surely bring a lot of advantages that we can’t even begin to understand or foresee yet. It’s time to go mobile!
DataScope is a platform which allows various industries to streamline, organize and evaluate the work of their field staffs thanks to online forms which provide real time indicators 100% adaptable to any field.