Mobile forms and the revolution in business management

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It seems everyone owns a smartphone today. At any time of the day, and wherever one may look, the glow of a cellphone screen will always be there, shining on the face of a neighbor, a friend, or a stranger in the subway. And it’s not just a sensation: this is confirmed by the figures.
According to a study by eMarketer, Chile leads in terms of smartphone penetration in Latin America, since approximately 46% of its inhabitants owns a smartphone in proportion to its total population. And that’s not all; according to Exceda Chile, the country is the Latin American leader in m-Commerce projections -e-commerce from mobile phones. The business website InfoWeek states that most Internet buyers do so through their mobile devices, and adds that in our country over a third of all Internet traffic is accessed via cellphones or iPads.
And so smartphones are becoming the seed of a new business model. The use of mobile apps makes purchase and consultation processes much easier for buyers. Companies are within reach of their clients at any moment.

From paper to mobile forms

But apart from the new ways in which companies-users contact each other, there are also new applications and services that harness smartphones to speed up the inner processes of companies and SMEs. Cellphones can be powerful management tools which can collect and analyze information instantly, dismissing paper forms and bureaucracy as performance obstacles.
More and more companies big and small in different fields turn to mobile forms to replace or complement paper forms. And why?
Let’s explore the advantages of mobile forms and we’ll understand it a little better:

      1. Productivity boost

Platforms based upon mobile forms, such as DataScope, allow various industries to streamline, organize and evaluate the work of their field staffs thanks to its real time indicators, saving idle times when reporting to the head office. Employees simply fill their mobile forms and submit them for an immediate evaluation remotely, boosting the company’s productivity.

      2. Cost savings

Saving idle times also saves money. Mobile forms avoid squandering resources such as transportation or paper expenses and possible data loss in the report back to the main office. DataScope offers a built-in chat to reduce reaction time even further.

      3. Improved quality of service

Mobile forms provide faster work evaluation and more adequate metrics improving customer-facing activities. GPS-, time- and date-verified work drives differentiation and business advantage against competitors.

      4. Risks mitigation

How much money does it cost to lose information? Thanks to mobile forms that risk almost disappears. Mobile platforms allow filling the form on the field and sharing it online as part of the same process. DataScope offers robust dashboards and automated reports for improved safety.
Thanks to these advantages, mobile forms will surely cause a revolution within the traditional business management methods, and using the smartphone that everyone seems to own today to solve long term problems.

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