Industrial maintenance courses

Table of Contents

Industrial maintenance encompasses mechanics, technicians, mechanical systems specialists, electricians and many more in-the-field roles. To ensure that work is done safely and properly, it is important to stay up-to-date on new mechanical technologies and systems.

There are a wide variety of technical courses related to industrial maintenance and large buildings. Most of the course’s programs includes the maintenance of mechanical, electrical equipment. It also includes a wide program of courses related to maintenance management and designed for the training of Maintenance Managers and those responsible for the Maintenance Technical Office.

On-line maintenance engineering course

The maintenance engineering on-line course has been designed for Plant Managers of an industrial facility. This course analyzes all the techniques that can be used in a maintenance department in order to improve results and optimize the use of resources.

This course is available in two formats, paper format and in interactive digital book, for reading on your personal computer, which includes some videos and the possibility of enlarging some images.

The course covers the following topics:

-Maintenance plan and its preparation

-Protocol-based maintenance plans

-Maintenance plans based on R.C.M.

-Legal maintenance requirements: regulations and obligations

-Predictive maintenance techniques

-Corrective maintenance and its management

-Tools and technical means required

-Report indicators

-Computer-aided maintenance management (CMMS)

-Maintenance budget and audits.

This course addresses in depth and technical rigor each of these topics offering a technical and practical vision far from dogmatism and theoretical concepts and close to the day-to-day reality that technicians experience in this department.

Technical industrial assessment

The course analyzes in a practical way the phases in which the evaluation is developed and provides attendees the methodology carry out a correct evaluation of industrial assets.

The course cover the following topics.

-Preliminary analysis of the plant systems.

-Determination of the type of evaluation

-Identification of plant equipment

-Preparation of the documents to be requested for analysis

-Practical performance of the assessment:

-Interviews with technical managers

-Sensory inspection of facilities

-Predictive tests to be carried out on the field and in the control room

-Data collection

-Preparation of the final report.

The course covers the following topics:

-Main equipment in power plants, wind farms and industrial plants.

-Costs and revenues in a power plant.

-Faults and their causes.

-Technical evaluation of the state of an installation.

High and medium voltage course

This course has been developed based on the training needs of plant personnel in an industrial facility that handles voltages above 1000 v.

Despite the simplicity of High Voltage circuits, it is found that many of the professionals who work or will work in industrial facilities do not know the main equipment related to High and Medium Voltage, their operation, their connection diagrams, their main features, etc.

This is a compulsory course for professionals who carry out work with electrical risk. 

Course objectives:

Train high voltage operation and maintenance technicians

Certify professionals so that they can act as authorized / qualified workers in works with electrical risk, according to RD 614/01

The course is aimed at:

Operation and maintenance technicians of thermoelectric plants. It is especially interesting for the technicians who have joined after the start-up of the plant

Engineers, technicians and professionals who want to work in power generation plants

Project Managers and Project Engineers in companies related to power plants.

Industrial maintenance management course

Power plants generally require a strong investment effort, the amortization of which depends on the good or bad maintenance management. This course addresses all management fields that affect maintenance: the organization chart, the development of the maintenance plan, the management of spare parts and tools, information management, breakdowns management and maintenance contracts. In short, it is a complete program, aimed at meeting the needs of those responsible for the operation of generation plants.

Course contents

The maintenance of industrial plants

Maintenance budget

Maintenance staff

Preparation of the maintenance plan

Predictive maintenance

Corrective maintenance management

Spare parts management

Technical equipment

Information management

Maintenance audits

Maintenance contracts

Conducting maintenance audits

The maintenance audits course explains certain technique, used correctly, can improve maintenance performance. In this course, more than 200 maintenance aspects are analyzed in a comprehensive manner.

This is not a basic or introductory course. Although prior knowledge is not required, it is advisable for applicants to have a university degree of a technical nature (engineering, for example).

Detailed course index

-What is a maintenance audit

-Phases of a maintenance audit

-Preparation phase

-Documentation analysis

-Field work

-Preparation and presentation of the report

-The analysis of the hierarchical asset tree

-The maintenance engineering sub-department

-The inspection plan

-Maintenance planning

-Legal maintenance

-Corrective maintenance management 

-HR and security management.

High and medium voltage in industrial maintenance

This course has been designed according to the needs of plant personnel in an industrial facility that handles voltages above 1000 v.

Despite the simplicity of High Voltage circuits, it is a fact that many of the professionals who work or will work in industrial facilities do not know the main equipment related to High and Medium Voltage, their operation, their connection diagrams, their main features, etc.

The course objectives are

Certify professionals so that they can act as authorized / qualified workers in work with electrical risk, according to RD 614/01.

Objetivos del Curso: 

Formar técnicos de Operación y Mantenimiento de Alta Tensión

Certificar profesionales para que puedan actuar como trabajadores autorizados/cualificados en trabajos con riesgo eléctrico, de acuerdo al RD 614/01

A quien está dirigido: 

Técnicos de operación y mantenimiento de Centrales termoeléctricas. Es especialmente interesante para los técnicos que se han incorporado después de la puesta en marcha de la planta

Ingenieros, técnicos y profesionales que quieran trabajar en plantas de generación de energía

Jefes de proyecto e Ingenieros de proyecto en empresas relacionadas con las centrales eléctricas

Gas engine maintenance course

It is not a basic or introductory course, although prior knowledge is not required. It is advisable that the student be in possession of a university degree of a technical nature, although it is not essential. 

The course is it aimed at:

Generation plant operation and maintenance technicians. It is especially interesting for the technicians who have joined after the start-up of the plant

Power Plant Project Managers and Project Engineers.

The course objectives are

-Know the technological foundations of gas engines.

-Know each of the main elements of gas engines.

-Know in detail l7lll.-||the scheduled maintenance of engines.

-Know the main breakdowns, their solution and their prevention.

Practical course of vibration analysis

The main interest in the vibration spectrum of the analysis for maintenance is the identification of the predominant amplitudes of the vibrations detected in a machine, the determination of the causes of that vibration, and the correction of the problem that they represent. The consequences of mechanical vibrations increases stress, energy losses, and, the most feared, fatigue and damage to the materials, as well as annoying noises in the work environment.

Course objectives

The main objective of the course is the acquisition of the necessary knowledge to interpret the results of this technique and for its execution.

The course is of great value as it is completely practical and analyzes the key aspects of this highly useful technique.

Target audience

The course is aimed at professionals who carry out their work or are going to do it in industrial facilities that have equipment that can be inspected by their vibrational analysis.

In general, the course is aimed at all maintenance professionals or technicians who wish to orient their professional career towards Maintenance.

Maintenance implantation course 3.0

This course details the bases of new maintenance strategies that avoid systematic maintenance and search for a significant reduction in costs and an increase in the availability and reliability of the facilities.

This course will cover the following topics:

-What is maintenance 3.0

-Historical evolution of maintenance

-The maintenance plan or inspection plan

-Maintenance by condition

-Breakdown analysis

-Conductive maintenance

-Organization of maintenance personnel

-Spare parts management

-Useful indicators in maintenance 3.0

Instrumentation and control course in industrial plants

The Instrumentation and Control Course is aimed mainly at maintenance technicians (electrical and mechanical) who wish to increase their knowledge in instrumentation and control, electronics who wish to redirect their professional career towards instrumentation and control, and plant operation personnel industrial and energy.

In the course you will learn the fundaments of the measurement of physical variables for process control and will get familiarized with its structure and constituent elements, preventive maintenance and instruments’ calibration.

Course contents

-Operating principles of sensors


-Signal conditioning cards

-Physical measurements

-Control and regulation

-Final control elements: valves


-Instruments calibration

-Preventive Maintenance

-Instrument breakdowns and common instrumentation failures

-Tools and technical means

Certificate in Maintenance of electrical and electronic systems of vehicles TMVG0209

With the implementation of the new legislation, you must have the certificate of professionalism TMVG0209, the Certificate in Maintenance of the electrical and electronic systems of vehicles. 

In this course, you will learn how to carry out maintenance and assembly of electronic accessories, charging and starting systems, electrical circuits and maintenance of systems comfort and safety of vehicles, applying useful techniques and procedures. In this way, you will be perfectly qualified to work as an automotive and industrial vehicle electrician.

Air conditioning systems maintenance 

The air conditioning system is undoubtedly the most important and complex of those that make up a building. The cost of energy, efficiency and technological advances have marked the evolution of air conditioning systems.

By taking this course on advanced maintenance of the air conditioning system, the person in charge of maintenance of building installations can keep abreast of the latest market trends and best practices in the maintenance of air conditioning systems. The course addresses the maintenance of this system from all its points of view: concepts, trends, corrective, preventive and predictive, tools and spare parts.

Course contents

-Theoretical foundations of climate control

-Air conditioning installations in large buildings

-Energy efficiency

-Elements that are part of the climate system

-New trends and new climate equipment

-Initial start-up of the climate system

-Operation of the climate system

-Main breakdowns and incidents in air conditioning systems

-Preventive maintenance

-Predictive maintenance techniques

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About the author

Picture of Sandra Melo
Sandra Melo

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