20 Curious facts about paper production and usage

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Even in these digital days, we keep using a huge amount of paper. Overall, every year, we employ 12.5 million tonnes of paper and cardboard every year. Here we have listed some interesting statistics and data about paper that you should take into consideration every time you use this product:

  • To produce a ton of paper we need about 115,000 liters of water.
  • Making paper from waste paper saves around 85% of water used in normal paper production and reduce water pollution by 92%.
  • A ton of recycled paper makes it possible to save approximately 0.4 hectares of forest.
  • The land is being deforested at a rate of 6.5 million hectares per year.
  • We need to cut 17 large trees to produce a ton of paper.
  • The average family uses 6 trees worth of paper each year.
  • North Americans and Europeans use more than 200 kg of paper each per year.
  • Recycling paper required 30% of the electrical energy and 70% of the water that would normally be need it to produce it from wood.
  • 45% of all print-outs and photocopies end up in the rubbish bin before the end of the day.
  • Paper can be recycled up to 11 times in different types of cardboard.
  • According to Xerox, an average office worker uses around 10,000 sheets of photocopy paper every year.
  • A standard three drawer filing cabinet, which takes up around 4 square foot of office space, can contain around 9,000 sheets of paper.
  • The amount of junk mail delivered every year is the equivalent of 100 million trees.
  • Global loss of tropical forests contributed about 4.8 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide per year.
  • Paper production is the third most energy-intensive of all manufacturing industries, using over 12% of all energy in the industrial sector.
  • A high quantity of water consumed in the pulp and paper industry is used for processing.
  • Within the manufacturing area, the paper and pulp industry is the fourth largest emitter of greenhouse gases.
  • Paper represents one of the biggest components of solid waste in landfills with about 16% of solid waste.
  • When paper decomposes in a landfill, it releases methane, a greenhouse gas far more potent strong than carbon dioxide.
  • Recycled paper and ecological paper are not the same. Ecological paper is not necessarily the one that does not use chlorine as bleach.

Did you know that recycling a ton of paper we can save 20 trees, 7,000 gallons of water, three cubic yards of landfill space and almost 30 kilograms of air pollutants? A ton of recycling paper help us to save enough energy to power an average house for six months. That is why, recycling is an essential step to reduce deforestation.
Other required measure to cut down on paper is making the switch to digital. DataScope was created to provide digital tools as alternative solutions to paper. They have developed an innovative mobile platform which converts forms, work orders, inspections, reports, or certifications to mobile forms and can be used on any mobile device. Sign up for free and try our platform.

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Picture of Sandra Melo
Sandra Melo

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