New work order forms reshape the work habits of the future

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Technology is changing work habits quickly and companies are forced to understand our constantly changing, ever more interconnected world in order to adapt or disappear. Work habits are being redefined all around us, and work order forms are part of the switch.

One big transformation is the emergence of the mobile office. Concerning the growing importance of the cell phones, an article by América Economía points out that “Our current working conditions puts us many times in the need of contacting our work teams in different places and situations: going to the office, at the airport, waiting for a client, etc.

In this sense, the productive use of our smartphones in our work environment requires the guarantee that our employees can collaborate with each other and be communicated as efficiently as possible”.

Work order forms, the key to the business

One of the most important areas of any business are the work orders forms or purchase orders, a document received by an organization from a customer or client to purchase merchandise from the seller, which indicates amount, detail, prices and payment conditions, among other information, and which operates as proof of the operation.

Online work order forms which appeared together with the first e-commerce companies at the beginning of the 2000’s lead the way to the transformation of the traditional forms used until then.

Nowadays, alike many other work related habits, physical forms for work orders are becoming obsolete given the large number of alternatives the tech world offers, including the mobile form.

Advantages of the mobile choice

Thanks to this option, the employees working in field operations can notify their headquarters about the new orders they pick up through their routes in real time, speeding up the preparation of products or services to deliver the customer, and optimizing the use of time between the reception and dispatch. And all you need is a cell phone, so you don’t have to make any unnecessary expenses to acquire this technology.

Work order forms are also 100% adaptable to your company’s needs, and can be easily modifiable as many times as it’s necessary. The work order forms can operate from mobile apps, and the stockers can also send snapshots of the chores they carried out through their smartphones. These pictures can also include the time, and the place where they were taken.

Drawing the way forward

“It’s clear that the mobile trend is here to stay and it’s reshaping the work space. Likewise, the new generations of employees are showing us how the way we work will evolve in the future”, points out the article in América Economía. And it ends indicating that “In this scenario of changes, companies must be prepared to welcome new work spaces, such as the phone office, boosting its benefits and reducing the risks to a minimum”.

Thousand of companies are eager to get hold of the new options the technology brings to increase their productivity, to innovate their work dynamics, or just to survive. The mutation of the work habits is a sign of the changing times, and the only certainty is that the smartphone will be at the center of the future transformations.

Download the DataScope app and start now!

DataScope is the ideal tool to eliminate paper use, save time, and efficiently collect data from the field. It allows companies to streamline, organize and evaluate field work thanks to its online forms, which provide indicators in real time, 100% adaptable to any area.

With DataScope, your team can answer custom mobile forms from their phones or tablets, online or offline, through the app.

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With the # 1 platform to digitize tasks

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